1. Acheteur
Nom officiel: Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency)
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Autorité publique centrale
Activité du pouvoir adjudicateur: Protection de l’environnement
2. Procédure
Titre: Tender for Contract on subsidy for negative emissions carbon capture, transport and storage
Description: The Agreement on the Danish Financial Act for 2022 introduced a new market based subsidy fund (the “NECCS Fund”) to achieve negative CO2 emissions by permanently and geologically storing biogenic or atmospheric CO2 (NECCS). The total maximum available subsidy of the NECCS Fund is DKK 2,559,200,000 (2023-prices) excl. VAT. The fund is scheduled for disbursement between 2025-2032. The granting of subsidy under the NECCS Fund is encompassed by the European Commission’s Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022. The designation of the Contract(s) as a service contract in the contract notice, section II.1.3), etc. does not change this. The competitive bidding process is conducted as an open procedure in accordance with the general principles of the Danish Public Procurement Act. With this notice, the DEA wishes to promote transparency regarding the changes and clarifications made to the tender documents in the open procedure and the DEA’s subsequent cancellation of the open procedure and transition to a negotiated procedure without publication of a new contract notice. On 24 August 2023 the DEA dispatched contract notice no. 2023/S 165-521925 (521925-2023), published 29 August 2023, concerning the NECCS subsidy scheme where the DEA wishes to enter into one or more contract(s) pursuant to which the recipient(s) of the subsidies (each recipient “the Operator”) shall ensure and be responsible for capturing, transportation and permanent, geological storage of biogenic or atmospheric CO2 (“the Contract”). The competitive bidding process is conducted as a procedure where all economic operators were invited to submit an offer, i.e. as an open procedure, and in accordance with the general principles of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Based on the communication with the European Commission regarding the aid scheme, questions from potential tenderers and the DEA’s decision, the DEA made changes to the tender documents in November 2023 prior to the deadline for submission of offers, which initially was on 1 December 2023. The DEA published the revised tender documents to all potential tenderers on the site in the electronic tendering system on 10 November 2023 and furthermore made the revised tender documents available on the DEA’s website stated in the contract notice. At the same time the DEA dispatched a notice for change of the contract notice (no. 692458-2023), published 15 November 2023. The DEA decided to extend the deadline for sub-mission of offers from 1 December 2023 to 15 January 2024. The postponement was partly due to a necessary update of the tender material and partly due to the EU Commission's state aid approval for the NECCS fund unexpectedly had not yet been granted. The changes and clarifications include for example that the amount of 50,200,000 originally allocated for 2024 was removed from the NECCS fund, inclusion of a subsidy reduction mechanism in Appendix 5, Subsidy and economy scheme, and clarifications in Appendix 3, Requirements specification, in cases where the performance of the contract is based on more than one carbon capture plant. After the deadline for submission of offers on 15 January 2024, the DEA assessed that all received offers received in the open procedure were non-compliant. This entailed that the DEA could not award and conclude Contract(s) based on the offers received in the open procedure. With the aim of ensuring the necessary basis for an early award of one or more Contract(s), the DEA cancelled the open procedure and proceeded to a negotiated procedure on 5 February 2024 in accordance with the Danish Public Procurement Act section 61(1), para 2, as only non-compliant offers had been submitted, see the Danish Public Procurement Act section 61(2), para
1. Reference is made to the DEA’s notice no. 79591-2024 published 7 February 2024 regarding the cancellation of the open procedure and transition to the negotiated procedure. The DEA made minor adjustments to Appendix B, Template for offer submission letter, to reflect the negotiated procedure.
Identifiant de la procédure: 5f44d05f-e074-4cab-b347-14eba403239f
Avis précédent: 521925-2023
Avis précédent: 692458-2023
Avis précédent: 79591-2024
Identifiant interne: -
Type de procédure: Négociée sans mise en concurrence préalable
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 90700000 Services relatifs à l'environnement
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 90720000 Protection environnementale
Lieu d’exécution
Pays: Danemark
N’importe où dans le pays donné
Informations générales
Informations complémentaires: The NECCS Fund is fully financed in 2025, and partially financed in 2026 by REPower EU. REPower EU is the European Commission's plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2023. Despite the procedure being indicated as “Negotiated without prior call for competition” it is noted that – as also described in this notice – the Contract(s) has been subject to a prior publication of call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union. The date specified in “Date on which the winner was chosen” is equivalent to the date where the DEA informed the tenderers involved of the DEA’s decision regarding award of contract.
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0000
Titre: Tender for Contract on subsidy for negative emissions carbon capture, transport and storage
Description: The Agreement on the Danish Financial Act for 2022 introduced a new market based subsidy fund (the “NECCS Fund”) to achieve negative CO2 emissions by permanently and geologically storing biogenic or atmospheric CO2 (NECCS). The total maximum available subsidy of the NECCS Fund is DKK 2,559,200,000 (2023-prices) excl. VAT. The fund is scheduled for disbursement between 2025-2032. The granting of subsidy under the NECCS Fund is encompassed by the European Commission’s Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022. The designation of the Contract(s) as a service contract in the contract notice, section II.1.3), etc. does not change this. The competitive bidding process is conducted as an open procedure in accordance with the general principles of the Danish Public Procurement Act. With this notice, the DEA wishes to promote transparency regarding the changes and clarifications made to the tender documents in the open procedure and the DEA’s subsequent cancellation of the open procedure and transition to a negotiated procedure without publication of a new contract notice. On 24 August 2023 the DEA dispatched contract notice no. 2023/S 165-521925 (521925-2023), published 29 August 2023, concerning the NECCS subsidy scheme where the DEA wishes to enter into one or more contract(s) pursuant to which the recipient(s) of the subsidies (each recipient “the Operator”) shall ensure and be responsible for capturing, transportation and permanent, geological storage of biogenic or atmospheric CO2 (“the Contract”). The competitive bidding process is conducted as a procedure where all economic operators were invited to submit an offer, i.e. as an open procedure, and in accordance with the general principles of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Based on the communication with the European Commission regarding the aid scheme, questions from potential tenderers and the DEA’s decision, the DEA made changes to the tender documents in November 2023 prior to the deadline for submission of offers, which initially was on 1 December 2023. The DEA published the revised tender documents to all potential tenderers on the site in the electronic tendering system on 10 November 2023 and furthermore made the revised tender documents available on the DEA’s website stated in the contract notice. At the same time the DEA dispatched a notice for change of the contract notice (no. 692458-2023), published 15 November 2023. The DEA decided to extend the deadline for sub-mission of offers from 1 December 2023 to 15 January 2024. The postponement was partly due to a necessary update of the tender material and partly due to the EU Commission's state aid approval for the NECCS fund unexpectedly had not yet been granted. The changes and clarifications include for example that the amount of 50,200,000 originally allocated for 2024 was removed from the NECCS fund, inclusion of a subsidy reduction mechanism in Appendix 5, Subsidy and economy scheme, and clarifications in Appendix 3, Requirements specification, in cases where the performance of the contract is based on more than one carbon capture plant. After the deadline for submission of offers on 15 January 2024, the DEA assessed that all received offers received in the open procedure were non-compliant. This entailed that the DEA could not award and conclude Contract(s) based on the offers received in the open procedure. With the aim of ensuring the necessary basis for an early award of one or more Contract(s), the DEA cancelled the open procedure and proceeded to a negotiated procedure on 5 February 2024 in accordance with the Danish Public Procurement Act section 61(1), para 2, as only non-compliant offers had been submitted, see the Danish Public Procurement Act section 61(2), para
1. Reference is made to the DEA’s notice no. 79591-2024 published 7 February 2024 regarding the cancellation of the open procedure and transition to the negotiated procedure. The DEA made minor adjustments to Appendix B, Template for offer submission letter, to reflect the negotiated procedure.
Identifiant interne: 1
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 90700000 Services relatifs à l'environnement
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 90720000 Protection environnementale
Lieu d’exécution
Pays: Danemark
N’importe où dans le pays donné
Informations générales
Projet de passation de marché financé en totalité ou en partie par des fonds de l’UE
Le marché relève de l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Informations complémentaires: The NECCS Fund is fully financed in 2025, and partially financed in 2026 by REPower EU. REPower EU is the European Commission's plan to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2023. Despite the procedure being indicated as “Negotiated without prior call for competition” it is noted that – as also described in this notice – the Contract(s) has been subject to a prior publication of call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union. The date specified in “Date on which the winner was chosen” is equivalent to the date where the DEA informed the tenderers involved of the DEA’s decision regarding award of contract.
Conditions du marché public
Informations relatives aux délais de recours: Pursuant to the Danish Act on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement, etc. (lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud m.v.) (the Act is available (in Danish) at http://www.retsinformation.dk/), the following deadlines apply to the lodging of complaints: This notice concerns the DEA’s changes and clarifications made to the tender documents in the open procedure, and the DEA’s transition from the open procedure to a negotiated procedure. The DEA will not enter into the Contracts before the expiry of 10 calendar days, calculated from the day after the date where this notice was published, see section 4(1), para 2, of the Act. When the DEA has entered into the Contracts, the DEA will publish a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union that the DEA has entered into contract. The deadlines for lodging a complaint with the Complaints Board for Public Procurement will be specified in that notice. The e-mail address of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement is set out in this notice. The Complaints Board’s complaints guidelines are available at https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/vejledning/
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché: Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency)
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché: Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency)
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
6. Résultats
Attribution directe:
Justification de l’attribution directe: Seules des offres irrégulières ou inacceptables ont été reçues en réponse à un avis antérieur. Tous les soumissionnaires et uniquement les soumissionnaires de la procédure antérieure qui ont satisfait aux critères de sélection, n'ont pas été pas concernés par les motifs d'exclusion et ont satisfait aux exigences formelles ont été inclus dans les négociations
Autre justification: As stated in this notice and in the contract notice the Contract(s) has been subject to a prior publication of call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union, where all economic operators were invited to submit an offer, i.e. an open procedure. This notice concerns both the changes and clarifications to the tender documents made in the open procedure, and the DEA’s transition from the open procedure to a negotiated procedure. Prior to the deadline for submission of offer in the open procedure the DEA made changes and clarifications to the tender documents as described in this notice. The DEA considers the changes and clarifications to be in accordance with the public procurement rules as the changes and clarifications are made within the confines of the tender material and do not include changes to Minimum Requirements or fundamental elements. The DEA considers the transition from the open procedure to a negotiated procedure to be in accordance with the public procurement rules as all received offers received in the open procedure were non-compliant. Furthermore, the DEA considers the carrying out of the negotiated procedure without publication of a new contract notice to be in accordance with the public procurement rules, as all tenderers – and only these tenderers – who submitted offers in the open procedure in accordance with the formal requirements of the procurement procedure and met the requirements of the Danish Public Procurement Act section 159(2), 2nd sentence, para 1-3, were invited to submit revised offers, see the Danish Public Procurement Act section 61(4). The negotiated procedure was conducted in writing (without conducting negotiation meetings), and with the purpose of the non-compliant offers being amended so that the offers became compliant. The DEA did not make any changes to Minimum Requirements or fundamental elements of the initial tender documents in connection with the transition to the negotiated procedure, nor any change to commercial terms of the contract. The DEA only made minor adjustments regarding the procedure as a consequence of the transition to a negotiated procedure and therefore made in accordance with principles of the public procurement rules.
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0000
Informations sur les lauréats
Nom officiel: BioCirc CO2 ApS
Identifiant de l’offre: Offer from BioCirc CO2 ApS
Identifiant du lot ou groupe de lots: LOT-0000
La valeur de la sous-traitance est connue: non
Le pourcentage de la sous-traitance est connu: non
Informations relatives au marché:
Identifiant du marché: Contract on subsidy for negative emissions carbon capture, transport and storage - BioCirc CO2 ApS
Date à laquelle le lauréat a été choisi: 15/03/2024
Nom officiel: Bioman ApS
Identifiant de l’offre: Offer from Bioman ApS
Identifiant du lot ou groupe de lots: LOT-0000
La valeur de la sous-traitance est connue: non
Le pourcentage de la sous-traitance est connu: non
Informations relatives au marché:
Identifiant du marché: Contract on subsidy for negative emissions carbon capture, transport and storage - Bioman ApS
Date à laquelle le lauréat a été choisi: 15/03/2024
Nom officiel: Carbon Capture Scotland Limited
Identifiant de l’offre: Offer from Carbon Capture Scotland Limited
Identifiant du lot ou groupe de lots: LOT-0000
La valeur de la sous-traitance est connue: non
Le pourcentage de la sous-traitance est connu: non
Informations relatives au marché:
Identifiant du marché: Contract on subsidy for negative emissions carbon capture, transport and storage - Carbon Capture Scotland Limited
Date à laquelle le lauréat a été choisi: 15/03/2024
8. Organisations
Nom officiel: Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency)
Numéro d’enregistrement: 59778714
Adresse postale: Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
Ville: Copenhagen
Code postal: 1577
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Byen København (DK011)
Pays: Danemark
Point de contact: Lise-Lotte Pade, Henrik Sulsbrück
Téléphone: +4533951275
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché
Nom officiel: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Numéro d’enregistrement: 37795526
Adresse postale: Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Ville: Viborg
Code postal: 8800
Pays: Danemark
Téléphone: +45 72405600
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Numéro d’enregistrement: 10294819
Adresse postale: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Ville: Valby
Code postal: 2500
Pays: Danemark
Téléphone: +45 41715000
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours
Nom officiel: BioCirc CO2 ApS
Numéro d’enregistrement: 44479982
Adresse postale: Vasehøjvej 18 Vinkel
Ville: Højslev
Code postal: 7840
Pays: Danemark
Téléphone: +45 22662161
Rôles de cette organisation:
Lauréat de ces lots: LOT-0000
Nom officiel: Bioman ApS
Numéro d’enregistrement: 36433779
Adresse postale: Kattegatkajen 11
Ville: Grenaa
Code postal: 8500
Pays: Danemark
Téléphone: +4561621934
Rôles de cette organisation:
Lauréat de ces lots: LOT-0000
Nom officiel: Carbon Capture Scotland Limited
Numéro d’enregistrement: SC450861
Adresse postale: Kings of Kinloch, Meigle
Ville: Blairgowrie
Code postal: PH12 8QX
Pays: Royaume-Uni
Téléphone: 0044 7446 957 856
Rôles de cette organisation:
Lauréat de ces lots: LOT-0000
Nom officiel: Mercell Holding ASA
Numéro d’enregistrement: 980921565
Adresse postale: Askekroken 11
Ville: Oslo
Code postal: 0277
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Oslo (NO081)
Pays: Norvège
Point de contact: eSender
Téléphone: +47 21018800
Télécopieur: +47 21018801
Rôles de cette organisation:
TED eSender
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: bdf01862-c9a9-4787-8aca-34a6ff6f043f - 01
Type de formulaire: Notification préalable d’attribution directe
Type d’avis: Avis en cas de transparence ex ante volontaire
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 16/03/2024 07:15:53 (UTC)
Date d’envoi de l’avis (eSender): 16/03/2024 07:31:12 (UTC)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 164771-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 56/2024
Date de publication: 19/03/2024