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Date de publication : 17/01/2024
Date de péremption :
Type de procédure : Procédure concurrentielle avec négociation
Type de document : Avis d’attribution de marché ou de concession – régime ordinaire

Danemark - Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs - Tender for contract for service and maintenance of compressors for Evida

2024/S 2024-033464  (Voir l'avis original TED)
V  E  R  S  I  O  N      F  R  A  N  C  A  I  S  E
33464-2024 - Résultats
Danemark – Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs – Tender for contract for service and maintenance of compressors for Evida
OJ S 12/2024 17/01/2024
Avis d’attribution de marché ou de concession – régime ordinaire

   1.  Acheteur
Nom officiel: Evida Service A/S
Activité de l’entité adjudicatrice: Production, transport ou distribution de gaz ou de chaleur

   2.  Procédure
Titre: Tender for contract for service and maintenance of compressors for Evida
Description: The Buyer wishes to procure maintenance services related to Preventive Maintenance Work and Repair Work of the Buyer’s existing 101 Fornovo Gas, 5 Neuman & Esser and 5 KwangShin gas biomethane injection compressors, cf. Appendix 4 (List of compressors). The compressors are used for controlling the pressure when channeling biomethane gas between the low-pressure network of 4 or 7 bar(g) to the high-pressure gas network of 19 to 80 bar(g). The compressors are placed at different biogas plant sites around Jutland, Fyn, Zealand, and islands connected to mainland by bridge, cf. Appendix 4 (List of compressors). At most sites, two or more compressors are installed to make failover possible and to mitigate the immediate impact in case of unplanned stops and/or breakdowns. Maintenance services entail the Supplier’s performance of Preventive Maintenance Work according to the compressor manufacturer’s service schedule (planned maintenance) and execution of Repair Work on request by the Buyer (unplanned stops and/or breakdowns). As part of the Agreement the Supplier must also offer an emergency hotline available outside Normal Business Hours in relation to Repair Work, cf. appendix 2 (Scope of Work).
Identifiant de la procédure: a3871a6a-b015-4a34-9790-faa3f979fa9b
Avis précédent: e8969057-866f-4522-91c7-4239eabcef4c-01
Identifiant interne: Tender for contract for service and maintenance of compressors for Evida
Type de procédure: Négociée avec publication préalable d’un appel à la concurrence / concurrentielle avec négociation
La procédure est accélérée: non
Principales caractéristiques de la procédure: Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition according to the Utilities Directive (2014/25/EU)
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 50531300 Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 42124340 Pièces pour compresseurs à gaz
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Pays: Danemark
Informations complémentaires: Evida is located in Vestjylland, but services must be performed all around Jutland, Fyn, Zealand, and islands connected to mainland by bridge.
Informations générales
Il est mis fin à l’appel à la concurrence
Informations complémentaires: The tender concerning contract for service and maintenance of compressors for Evida Service A/S. The Contracting entity has received a question on the tender material, which the Contracting Entity wishes to accommodate after further reflection. However, the Contracting Entity asses that this cannot be done without fundamental changes to the tender material, which is why the Contracting Entity feels compelled to cancel the ongoing process with a view of publishing a new tendering process as soon as possible.
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/25/UE

   5.  Lot
Lot: LOT-0001
Titre: Subcontract 1 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding Fornovo Gas compressors
Description: The Contracting Entity wishes to procure maintenance services related to preventive maintenance work and repair work of the Buyer’s existing 101 Fornovogas compressors. Maintenance services entail the Supplier’s performance of Preventive Maintenance Work according to the compressor manufacturer’s service schedule (planned maintenance) and execution of Repair Work on request by the Buyer (unplanned stops and/or breakdowns).
Identifiant interne: Subcontract 1 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding Fornovo Gas compressors
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 50531300 Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Informations complémentaires: Evida is located in Vestjylland, but services must be performed all around Jutland, Fyn, Zealand, and islands connected to mainland by bridge.
Durée estimée
Date de début: 01/07/2024
Date de fin de durée: 30/06/2028
Nombre maximal de renouvellements: 2
L’acheteur se réserve le droit d’effectuer des achats supplémentaires auprès du contractant, comme décrit ici: Buyer may extend the Agreement 2 times, each with 24 months.
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 120 000 000,00 DKK
Informations générales
Projet de passation de marché non financé par des fonds de l’UE
Le marché relève de l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Informations complémentaires: The candidate must submit as its application an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), cf. section 12 of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the wa-ter, energy, transport and postal services sectors (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen - “the Danish Implementing Order”). In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the technical and/or financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements stated in section III.1.2) and III.1.3), including for the purpose of selection). The operator(s) making its/their technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment. The candidate is requested with its application to submit a letter of commitment if the candidate relies on the technical or financial capacity of other entities, see Appendix F. The letter of commitment is to be filled in and signed by the operator(s) who make/makes the technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate. The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity/entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications. The candidate will be excluded from participation in the tendering procedure if the candidate is subject to the compulsory grounds for exclusion set out in sections 134 a, 135 and 136 of the Danish Public Pro-curement Act and the grounds for exclusion set out in section 137(1), para 1, para 2, para 3, para 4, para 5 and para 6 cf. section 11(1), para. (1) of the Danish Implementing Order, unless the candidate has submit-ted sufficient documentation for its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. section 11(1), para. (2) of the Danish Implementing Order. The voluntary grounds for exclusion are applied in compliance with the principle of proportionality. Hence, trivial matters cannot result in the exclusion of the candidate. Several matters which, individually, are less serious in nature may, however, give rise to exclusion of the candidate. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the con-tract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 150 and 155, cf. section 12 of the Danish Implementing Order (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen). As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the contracting entity a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156, issued by the competent authority. The contracting entity only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. In the event of changes to the composition of the tenderer, the provisions of section 147 of the Danish Public Procurement Act will apply in their entirety. -o0o- Additional information: The contracting entity may ask the candidate to supplement, specify or complete the application pursuant to Article 76, para. (4) of the Utilities Directive if the application or tender does not meet the formal requirements of the tender documents. For information on the process of the negotiations, reference is made to the tender specifications and the related Annex B and C. The Contracting Entity will pay no remuneration for participating. The contracting entity reserves the right to award on the basis of the initial tender. The electronic tendering system Participation in the tendering procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the Contracting Entity, see the address set out in section I.3). For access to the tender documents, the candidate must be registered as a user at If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. The Contracting entity would prefer that questions regarding prequalification are submitted within 12th of January 2024 at. 10.00 a.m. Application for participation must be submitted no later than the 24th of January. The written questions of the Tenderers, and the Contracting Entity's answers, will be regularly communicated in anonymised form via the electronic tendering system to all Tenderers participating in the procedure. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. -o0o- Signing of ESPD The ESPD is available via the electronic tendering system, It is not necessary for the Candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating eco-nomic operator. Where the Candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The Candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacity of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which the candidate relies. Other information Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 as later amended which applies for the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the exact delimitation of the actors covered by the prohibition). The Contracting entity may at any time during the tender process require that the economic operators prove that they are not cov-ered by the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the economic operators’ and any subcontractors’ place of establishment and ownership.
Critères d’attribution
Type: Prix
Nom: Price
Description: Price will be evaluated on the basis of the overall price for evaluation purposes (referred to in the following as the "Evaluation-technical Price"). The overall Evaluation-technical Price is calculated as total cost of estimated Preventive maintenance service (price for Spare parts and working time), hourly price for repair work, hourly price during transportation in connection with repair work, hourly price for emergency hotline and price for cleaning gas coolers, as specified in appendix 3 (Price list). With regard to the financial sub-criterion ”Price,” each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a financial framework. The evaluation will be based on an evaluation-technical price calculated as stated in Appendix 3 (Price list) as the total estimated sum of prices for the estimated service, repair work and transportation in this connection, clean-ing of coolers and emergency hotline in the term of the contract. The financial framework is lowest price + 30%. A scale from 8 to 0 points will be used. The compliant tender with the lowest evaluation-technical price is awarded the highest number of points on the scale (maximum points = 8). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that exactly matches the financial framework (lowest price + 30 %) or ex-ceeds this framework are awarded the lowest number of points on the scale (minimum points = 0). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that lies within the financial framework are awarded points by linear interpolation: Maximum points-(((maximum points-minimum points))/gradient)*((price of tender-lowest price))/(lowest price) The point for “Price” will be rounded to two (2) decimals. Correction model extension of financial framework If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 30%, the gradient is fixed at 50%. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points. If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 %, X is fixed at 75 %. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 75 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 60

Type: Qualité
Nom: Quality
Description: Quality will be evaluated on the basis of the following sub-sub-criteria: • Preventive maintenance (70%) • Other relevant works (30%) With regard to the qualitative sub-criterion “Quality”, each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a qualita-tive evaluation. The qualitative evaluation will be performed for each sub-sub-criterion under the qualitative sub-criterion in accordance with the evaluation basis of the sub-sub-criterion in question, see Appendix 2 (Scope of Work). With the qualitative evaluation, the Contracting Entity will award the number of points that corresponds to the evaluation on the descriptive scale cf. Appendix A, sub-section
   2. 3. Only whole points will be awarded to each sub-sub-criteria, i.e. no decimals. The number of points awarded in accordance with a sub-sub-criterion will be included with the weighting of the sub-sub-criterion in the calculation of the overall number of points awarded to the qualitative sub-criterion to which the sub-sub-criterion belongs.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 40
Conditions du marché public
Informations relatives aux délais de recours: Complaints regarding the tender procedure must be submitted to the Danish authority "Danish Complaints Board for Public Procument" ("Klagenævnet for udbud") according to The Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available on, paragraph
   7.  Please observe that the act is not translated.
Accord-cadre: Pas d’accord-cadre
Informations sur le système d’acquisition dynamique: Pas de système d’acquisition dynamique
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Klagenævnet for udbud
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché: Evida Service A/S
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché: Evida Service A/S
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Lot: LOT-0002
Titre: Subcontract 2 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding Neuman & Esser compressors
Description: The Contracting Entity wishes to procure maintenance services related to preventive maintenance work and repair work of the Buyer’s existing 5 Neuman & Esser compressors. Maintenance services entail the Supplier’s performance of Preventive Maintenance Work according to the compressor manufacturer’s service schedule (planned maintenance) and execution of Repair Work on request by the Buyer (unplanned stops and/or breakdowns).
Identifiant interne: Subcontract 2 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding Neuman & Esser compressors
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 50531300 Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Informations complémentaires: Evida is located in Vestjylland, but services must be performed all around Jutland, Fyn, Zealand, and islands connected to mainland by bridge.
Durée estimée
Date de début: 01/07/2024
Date de fin de durée: 30/06/2028
Nombre maximal de renouvellements: 2
L’acheteur se réserve le droit d’effectuer des achats supplémentaires auprès du contractant, comme décrit ici: Buyer may extend the Agreement 2 times, each with 24 months.
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 16 000 000,00 DKK
Informations générales
Projet de passation de marché non financé par des fonds de l’UE
Le marché relève de l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Informations complémentaires: The candidate must submit as its application an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), cf. section 12 of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the wa-ter, energy, transport and postal services sectors (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen - “the Danish Implementing Order”). In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the technical and/or financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements stated in section III.1.2) and III.1.3), including for the purpose of selection). The operator(s) making its/their technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment. The candidate is requested with its application to submit a letter of commitment if the candidate relies on the technical or financial capacity of other entities, see Appendix F. The letter of commitment is to be filled in and signed by the operator(s) who make/makes the technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate. The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity/entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications. The candidate will be excluded from participation in the tendering procedure if the candidate is subject to the compulsory grounds for exclusion set out in sections 134 a, 135 and 136 of the Danish Public Pro-curement Act and the grounds for exclusion set out in section 137(1), para 1, para 2, para 3, para 4, para 5 and para 6 cf. section 11(1), para. (1) of the Danish Implementing Order, unless the candidate has submit-ted sufficient documentation for its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. section 11(1), para. (2) of the Danish Implementing Order. The voluntary grounds for exclusion are applied in compliance with the principle of proportionality. Hence, trivial matters cannot result in the exclusion of the candidate. Several matters which, individually, are less serious in nature may, however, give rise to exclusion of the candidate. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the con-tract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 150 and 155, cf. section 12 of the Danish Implementing Order (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen). As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the contracting entity a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156, issued by the competent authority. The contracting entity only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. In the event of changes to the composition of the tenderer, the provisions of section 147 of the Danish Public Procurement Act will apply in their entirety. -o0o- Additional information: The contracting entity may ask the candidate to supplement, specify or complete the application pursuant to Article 76, para. (4) of the Utilities Directive if the application or tender does not meet the formal requirements of the tender documents. For information on the process of the negotiations, reference is made to the tender specifications and the related Annex B and C. The Contracting Entity will pay no remuneration for participating. The contracting entity reserves the right to award on the basis of the initial tender. The electronic tendering system Participation in the tendering procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the Contracting Entity, see the address set out in section I.3). For access to the tender documents, the candidate must be registered as a user at If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. The Contracting entity would prefer that questions regarding prequalification are submitted within 12th of January 2024 at. 10.00 a.m. Application for participation must be submitted no later than the 24th of January. The written questions of the Tenderers, and the Contracting Entity's answers, will be regularly communicated in anonymised form via the electronic tendering system to all Tenderers participating in the procedure. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. -o0o- Signing of ESPD The ESPD is available via the electronic tendering system, It is not necessary for the Candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating eco-nomic operator. Where the Candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The Candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacity of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which the candidate relies. Other information Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 as later amended which applies for the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the exact delimitation of the actors covered by the prohibition). The Contracting entity may at any time during the tender process require that the economic operators prove that they are not cov-ered by the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the economic operators’ and any subcontractors’ place of establishment and ownership.
Critères d’attribution
Type: Prix
Nom: Price
Description: Price will be evaluated on the basis of the overall price for evaluation purposes (referred to in the following as the "Evaluation-technical Price"). The overall Evaluation-technical Price is calculated as total cost of estimated Preventive maintenance service (price for Spare parts and working time), hourly price for repair work, hourly price during transportation in connection with repair work, hourly price for emergency hotline and price for cleaning gas coolers, as specified in appendix 3 (Price list). With regard to the financial sub-criterion ”Price,” each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a financial framework. The evaluation will be based on an evaluation-technical price calculated as stated in Appendix 3 (Price list) as the total estimated sum of prices for the estimated service, repair work and transportation in this connection, clean-ing of coolers and emergency hotline in the term of the contract. The financial framework is lowest price + 30%. A scale from 8 to 0 points will be used. The compliant tender with the lowest evaluation-technical price is awarded the highest number of points on the scale (maximum points = 8). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that exactly matches the financial framework (lowest price + 30 %) or ex-ceeds this framework are awarded the lowest number of points on the scale (minimum points = 0). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that lies within the financial framework are awarded points by linear interpolation: Maximum points-(((maximum points-minimum points))/gradient)*((price of tender-lowest price))/(lowest price) The point for “Price” will be rounded to two (2) decimals. Correction model extension of financial framework If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 30%, the gradient is fixed at 50%. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points. If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 %, X is fixed at 75 %. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 75 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 60

Type: Qualité
Nom: Quality
Description: Quality will be evaluated on the basis of the following sub-sub-criteria: • Preventive maintenance (70%) • Other relevant works (30%) With regard to the qualitative sub-criterion “Quality”, each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a qualita-tive evaluation. The qualitative evaluation will be performed for each sub-sub-criterion under the qualitative sub-criterion in accordance with the evaluation basis of the sub-sub-criterion in question, see Appendix 2 (Scope of Work). With the qualitative evaluation, the Contracting Entity will award the number of points that corresponds to the evaluation on the descriptive scale cf. Appendix A, sub-section
   2. 3. Only whole points will be awarded to each sub-sub-criteria, i.e. no decimals. The number of points awarded in accordance with a sub-sub-criterion will be included with the weighting of the sub-sub-criterion in the calculation of the overall number of points awarded to the qualitative sub-criterion to which the sub-sub-criterion belongs.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 40
Conditions du marché public
Informations relatives aux délais de recours: Complaints regarding the tender procedure must be submitted to the Danish authority "Danish Complaints Board for Public Procument" ("Klagenævnet for udbud") according to The Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available on, paragraph
   7.  Please observe that the act is not translated.
Accord-cadre: Pas d’accord-cadre
Informations sur le système d’acquisition dynamique: Pas de système d’acquisition dynamique
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Klagenævnet for udbud
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché: Evida Service A/S
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Lot: LOT-0003
Titre: Subcontract 3 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding KwangShin compressors
Description: The Contracting Entity wishes to procure maintenance services related to preventive maintenance work and repair work of the Buyer’s existing 5 KwangShin compressors. Maintenance services entail the Supplier’s performance of Preventive Maintenance Work according to the compressor manufacturer’s service schedule (planned maintenance) and execution of Repair Work on request by the Buyer (unplanned stops and/or breakdowns).
Identifiant interne: Subcontract 3 - Service and Maintenance Agreement regarding KwangShin compressors
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 50531300 Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Pays: Danemark
Informations complémentaires: Evida is located in Vestjylland, but services must be performed all around Jutland, Fyn, Zealand, and islands connected to mainland by bridge.
Durée estimée
Date de début: 01/07/2024
Date de fin de durée: 30/06/2028
Nombre maximal de renouvellements: 2
L’acheteur se réserve le droit d’effectuer des achats supplémentaires auprès du contractant, comme décrit ici: Buyer may extend the Agreement 2 times, each with 24 months.
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 13 000 000,00 DKK
Informations générales
Projet de passation de marché non financé par des fonds de l’UE
Le marché relève de l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Informations complémentaires: The candidate must submit as its application an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), cf. section 12 of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the wa-ter, energy, transport and postal services sectors (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen - “the Danish Implementing Order”). In this procedure, the candidate may rely on the technical and/or financial capacity of other operators to fulfil the suitability requirements stated in section III.1.2) and III.1.3), including for the purpose of selection). The operator(s) making its/their technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate must sign a letter of commitment. The candidate is requested with its application to submit a letter of commitment if the candidate relies on the technical or financial capacity of other entities, see Appendix F. The letter of commitment is to be filled in and signed by the operator(s) who make/makes the technical and/or financial capacity available to the candidate. The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity/entities on which the candidate relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the contract. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications. The candidate will be excluded from participation in the tendering procedure if the candidate is subject to the compulsory grounds for exclusion set out in sections 134 a, 135 and 136 of the Danish Public Pro-curement Act and the grounds for exclusion set out in section 137(1), para 1, para 2, para 3, para 4, para 5 and para 6 cf. section 11(1), para. (1) of the Danish Implementing Order, unless the candidate has submit-ted sufficient documentation for its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. section 11(1), para. (2) of the Danish Implementing Order. The voluntary grounds for exclusion are applied in compliance with the principle of proportionality. Hence, trivial matters cannot result in the exclusion of the candidate. Several matters which, individually, are less serious in nature may, however, give rise to exclusion of the candidate. Before the award decision is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the con-tract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 150 and 155, cf. section 12 of the Danish Implementing Order (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen). As an alternative to the documentation mentioned in sections 153-155, 157 and 158 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the applicant and tenderer may submit to the contracting entity a certificate of registration in an official list of approved economic operators, see section 156, issued by the competent authority. The contracting entity only accepts certificates of registration in an official list from applicants and tenderers established in the country holding the official list. In the event of changes to the composition of the tenderer, the provisions of section 147 of the Danish Public Procurement Act will apply in their entirety. -o0o- Additional information: The contracting entity may ask the candidate to supplement, specify or complete the application pursuant to Article 76, para. (4) of the Utilities Directive if the application or tender does not meet the formal requirements of the tender documents. For information on the process of the negotiations, reference is made to the tender specifications and the related Annex B and C. The Contracting Entity will pay no remuneration for participating. The contracting entity reserves the right to award on the basis of the initial tender. The electronic tendering system Participation in the tendering procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system used by the Contracting Entity, see the address set out in section I.3). For access to the tender documents, the candidate must be registered as a user at If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply. All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. The Contracting entity would prefer that questions regarding prequalification are submitted within 12th of January 2024 at. 10.00 a.m. Application for participation must be submitted no later than the 24th of January. The written questions of the Tenderers, and the Contracting Entity's answers, will be regularly communicated in anonymised form via the electronic tendering system to all Tenderers participating in the procedure. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. -o0o- Signing of ESPD The ESPD is available via the electronic tendering system, It is not necessary for the Candidate to sign the ESPD document. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating eco-nomic operator. Where the Candidate is a group of operators, the ESPD document of each participant in the group must be signed by the participant in question. The Candidate heading the group and submitting the application is not required to sign its ESPD document. If the candidate relies on the capacity of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for and signed by each of the entities on which the candidate relies. Other information Attention is drawn to Article 5k in Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 as later amended which applies for the tender procedure. The provision contains a prohibition against award of contracts to Russian companies and Russian controlled companies etc. (reference is made to Article 5k, section 1, for the exact delimitation of the actors covered by the prohibition). The Contracting entity may at any time during the tender process require that the economic operators prove that they are not cov-ered by the prohibition, for example by requiring a declaration to this effect and/or documentation regarding the economic operators’ and any subcontractors’ place of establishment and ownership.
Critères d’attribution
Type: Prix
Nom: Price
Description: Price will be evaluated on the basis of the overall price for evaluation purposes (referred to in the following as the "Evaluation-technical Price"). The overall Evaluation-technical Price is calculated as total cost of estimated Preventive maintenance service (price for Spare parts and working time), hourly price for repair work, hourly price during transportation in connection with repair work, hourly price for emergency hotline and price for cleaning gas coolers, as specified in appendix 3 (Price list). With regard to the financial sub-criterion ”Price,” each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a financial framework. The evaluation will be based on an evaluation-technical price calculated as stated in Appendix 3 (Price list) as the total estimated sum of prices for the estimated service, repair work and transportation in this connection, clean-ing of coolers and emergency hotline in the term of the contract. The financial framework is lowest price + 30%. A scale from 8 to 0 points will be used. The compliant tender with the lowest evaluation-technical price is awarded the highest number of points on the scale (maximum points = 8). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that exactly matches the financial framework (lowest price + 30 %) or ex-ceeds this framework are awarded the lowest number of points on the scale (minimum points = 0). Tenders with an evaluation-technical price that lies within the financial framework are awarded points by linear interpolation: Maximum points-(((maximum points-minimum points))/gradient)*((price of tender-lowest price))/(lowest price) The point for “Price” will be rounded to two (2) decimals. Correction model extension of financial framework If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 30%, the gradient is fixed at 50%. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points. If it is ascertained that the total evaluation price of one (1) or more of the compliant tenders is higher than the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 50 %, X is fixed at 75 %. A total evaluation price corresponding to the ‘lowest total evaluation price’ plus 75 % or more will thus be awarded 0 points.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 60

Type: Qualité
Nom: Quality
Description: Quality will be evaluated on the basis of the following sub-sub-criteria: • Preventive maintenance (70%) • Other relevant works (30%) With regard to the qualitative sub-criterion “Quality”, each tender will be awarded points in accordance with a qualita-tive evaluation. The qualitative evaluation will be performed for each sub-sub-criterion under the qualitative sub-criterion in accordance with the evaluation basis of the sub-sub-criterion in question, see Appendix 2 (Scope of Work). With the qualitative evaluation, the Contracting Entity will award the number of points that corresponds to the evaluation on the descriptive scale cf. Appendix A, sub-section
   2. 3. Only whole points will be awarded to each sub-sub-criteria, i.e. no decimals. The number of points awarded in accordance with a sub-sub-criterion will be included with the weighting of the sub-sub-criterion in the calculation of the overall number of points awarded to the qualitative sub-criterion to which the sub-sub-criterion belongs.
Pondération (pourcentage, valeur exacte): 40
Conditions du marché public
Informations relatives aux délais de recours: Complaints regarding the tender procedure must be submitted to the Danish authority "Danish Complaints Board for Public Procument" ("Klagenævnet for udbud") according to The Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available on, paragraph
   7.  Please observe that the act is not translated.
Accord-cadre: Pas d’accord-cadre
Informations sur le système d’acquisition dynamique: Pas de système d’acquisition dynamique
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Klagenævnet for udbud
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché: Evida Service A/S
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen

   6.  Résultats
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0001
Aucun lauréat n’a été choisi et le concours est clos.
La raison pour laquelle un lauréat n’a pas été choisi: Autre
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0002
Aucun lauréat n’a été choisi et le concours est clos.
La raison pour laquelle un lauréat n’a pas été choisi: Autre
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0003
Aucun lauréat n’a été choisi et le concours est clos.
La raison pour laquelle un lauréat n’a pas été choisi: Autre

   8.  Organisations
Nom officiel: Evida Service A/S
Numéro d’enregistrement: ORG-40 31 89 41
Adresse postale: Vognmagervej 14
Ville: Viborg
Code postal: 8800
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Pays: Danemark
Point de contact: Elisabeth Hansen
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +4553360036
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché
Nom officiel: Klagenævnet for udbud
Numéro d’enregistrement: ORG-37795526
Adresse postale: Toldboden 2
Ville: Viborg
Code postal: 8800
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Vestjylland (DK041)
Pays: Danemark
Point de contact: Klagenævnet for udbud
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +45 72405708
Point de terminaison pour l’échange d’informations (URL):
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Numéro d’enregistrement: ORG-10294819
Adresse postale: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Ville: Valby
Code postal: 2500
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Byen København (DK011)
Pays: Danemark
Point de contact: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +45 41715000
Point de terminaison pour l’échange d’informations (URL):
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit des précisions concernant l’introduction des recours
Nom officiel: Mercell Holding ASA
Numéro d’enregistrement: 980921565
Adresse postale: Askekroken 11
Ville: Oslo
Code postal: 0277
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Oslo (NO081)
Pays: Norvège
Point de contact: eSender
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +47 21018800
Télécopieur: +47 21018801
Adresse internet:
Rôles de cette organisation:
TED eSender
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: f331aa4b-9c6d-4a1e-bcf0-ebc079bdbab0 - 01
Type de formulaire: Résultats
Type d’avis: Avis d’attribution de marché ou de concession – régime ordinaire
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 15/01/2024 09:18:01 (UTC)
Date d’envoi de l’avis (eSender): 15/01/2024 14:41:20 (UTC)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 33464-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 12/2024
Date de publication: 17/01/2024

C L A S S E    C P V
42124340 - Pièces pour compresseurs à gaz 
50531300 - Services de réparation et d'entretien de compresseurs