TX: 22/05/2023 S97 Danemark-Viborg: Travaux de construction 2023/S 097-303203 Avis d'attribution de marchÈ ñ secteurs spÈciaux RÈsultats de la procÈdure de marchÈ Travaux |
Section I: EntitÈ adjudicatrice |
I.1) | Nom et adresses Nom officiel: Evida Service A/S - HRSI NumÈro national d'identification: 40318941 Adresse postale: Vognmagervej 14 Ville: Viborg Code NUTS: DK Danmark Code postal: 8800 Pays: Danemark Point(s) de contact: Alex Berg Hansen Courriel: udbud@evida.dk TÈlÈphone: +45 77899000 Adresse(s) internet: Adresse principale: https://permalink.mercell.com/190576005.aspx Adresse du profil díacheteur: http://www.evida.dk/ |
I.6) | ActivitÈ principale Production, transport et distribution de gaz et de chaleur |
Section II: Objet |
II.1) | ...tendue du marchÈ |
II.1.1) | IntitulÈ: Dynamic purchasing system for the construction of gas pipelines - Hotbends Q1, #4 |
II.1.2) | Code CPV principal 45000000 Travaux de construction |
II.1.3) | Type de marchÈ Travaux |
II.1.4) | Description succincte: Dynamic purchasing system for the construction of gas pipelines. |
II.1.6) | Information sur les lots Ce marchÈ est divisÈ en lots: non |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 39340000 ...quipement de rÈseau gaz 45255000 Travaux de construction pour l'industrie du pÈtrole et du gaz |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: DK Danmark |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: This mini-tender relates to the needs of Evida to purchase hotbends for ongoing projects in Q1. |
II.2.5) | CritËres díattribution CritËre de qualitÈ - Nom: Delivery time / PondÈration: 30 % Prix - PondÈration: 70 % |
II.2.11) | Information sur les options Options: non |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires |
Section IV: ProcÈdure |
IV.1) | Description |
IV.1.1) | Type de procÈdure ProcÈdure restreinte |
IV.1.3) | Information sur l'accord-cadre ou le systËme d'acquisition dynamique |
IV.1.8) | Information concernant líaccord sur les marchÈs publics (AMP) Le marchÈ est couvert par l'accord sur les marchÈs publics: oui |
IV.2) | Renseignements d'ordre administratif |
IV.2.1) | Publication antÈrieure relative la prÈsente procÈdure NumÈro de l'avis au JO sÈrie S: 2022/S 226-651872 |
IV.2.8) | Informations sur l'abandon du systËme d'acquisition dynamique |
IV.2.9) | Informations sur l'abandon de la procÈdure d'appel la concurrence sous la forme d'un avis pÈriodique indicatif |
Section V: Attribution du marchÈ |
IntitulÈ: Hotbends Q1, #4 Un marchÈ/lot est attribuÈ: oui |
V.2) | Attribution du marchÈ |
V.2.1) | Date de conclusion du marchÈ: 13/04/2023 |
V.2.2) | Informations sur les offres Nombre d'offres reÁues: 2 Nombre d'offres reÁues de la part de PME: 1 Nombre d'offres reÁues de la part de soumissionnaires d'autres ...tats membres de l'UE: 1 Nombre d'offres reÁues de la part de soumissionnaires d'...tats non membres de l'UE: 0 Nombre d'offres reÁues par voie Èlectronique: 2 Le marchÈ a ÈtÈ attribuÈ un groupement d'opÈrateurs Èconomiques: non |
V.2.3) | Nom et adresse du titulaire Nom officiel: EOT ENERGY A/S Adresse postale: HÂndvÊrkervej, 67 Ville: Esbjerg Code NUTS: DK Danmark Code postal: 6700 Pays: Danemark Courriel: michael@eot-energy.dk TÈlÈphone: +45 75156400 Le titulaire est une PME: oui |
V.2.4) | Informations sur le montant du marchÈ/du lot (hors TVA) |
V.2.5) | Information sur la sous-traitance |
V.2.6) | Prix payÈ pour les achats d'opportunitÈ |
Section VI: Renseignements complÈmentaires |
VI.3) | Informations complÈmentaires: The applicant may not be covered by any of the grounds for exclusion as specified in sections 135, 136 and 137(1)(2) and (4) of the Danish Procurement Act. Re I.3): It is possible to ask questions about the tender via the Mercell tender system. Re II.1.5) and II.2.6): the amount quoted should be noted as an estimated consumption over 10 years. 1. Access to the dynamic purchasing system: Access to Mercell is via the links specified in section I.3). The platform can be accessed from all common web browsers and can also be accessed via PCs, tablets etc.There are no special technical requirements for accessing the platform, which is therefore open to all interested suppliers. 2. The dynamic purchasing system A dynamic purchasing system is a procurement method in accordance with the Utilities Directive (Directive 2014/25/EU) Article 52. The dynamic purchasing system is divided into categories and specific suitability requirements are set for each category that suppliers must meet in order for them to be included in the system. When a dynamic purchasing system is set up through EU procurement, it takes the form of a restricted procedure in which all suppliers meeting the suitability requirements are granted access to the system after the deadline for application and after the contracting entity has finalised the applications received. Tenders are not required for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system, as tenders are submitted only in connection with mini-tenders after the establishment of the dynamic purchasing system. Thus, in the context of the EU tender carried out to set up the system, tenderers only have to complete an ESPD document and provide documentation for the information provided in the ESPD document (for Danish tenderers, this can be done with a service certificate). 3. Subsequent admission of suppliers The dynamic purchasing system is open to the admission of suitable suppliers throughout the lifetime of the system, even after the end of the EU tender. If a supplier meets the requirements for suitability, the supplier has free access to the system throughout the lifetime of the system. In connection with an application for admission to the system (both during the EU tender and later), a completed ESPD (available in the system) as well as documentation of the information in the ESPD document must be submitted (for Danish tenderers, this means that a service certificate must be submitted). 4. Costs / obligations as a supplier on the dynamic purchasing system Suppliers are free of charge to be included in the dynamic purchasing system and the supplier is free to remain a supplier on the dynamic purchasing system for the lifetime of the system or whether the supplier wishes to leave the system at some point. If, during the lifetime of the system, a supplier no longer meets the suitability requirements or becomes subject to a ground for exclusion, the supplier will be excluded from the system. In this case, it will be possible for the supplier to request a review of the system when the supplier again meets the suitability requirements or is no longer covered by the relevant exclusion ground. The Supplier is always obliged to provide updated ESPD document and/or renewed documentation at the request of the contracting entity. |
VI.4) | ProcÈdures de recours |
VI.4.1) | Instance chargÈe des procÈdures de recours Nom officiel: KlagenÊvnet for Udbud - NÊvnenes Hus Adresse postale: Toldboden 2 Ville: Viborg Code postal: 8800 Pays: Danemark Courriel: klfu@naevneneshus.dk TÈlÈphone: +45 72405600 Fax: +45 33307799 Adresse internet: http://www.naevneneshus.dk |
VI.4.3) | Introduction de recours PrÈcisions concernant les dÈlais d'introduction de recours: Complains must be filed with The Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: 1. 45 calendar days after the contracting authority has published a contract award notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (with effect from the day following the publication date); 2. 30 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has informed the tenderers in question, that the contracting authority has entered into a contract based on a framework agreement through reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system, provided that the notification includes a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision; 3. 6 months starting the day after the contracting authority has sent notification to the candidates/tenderers involved that the contracting authority has entered into the framework agreement, provided that the notification included a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision. |
VI.4.4) | Service auprËs duquel des renseignements peuvent Ítre obtenus sur l'introduction de recours Nom officiel: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen Adresse postale: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 Ville: Valby Code postal: 2500 Pays: Danemark Courriel: kfst@kfst.dk TÈlÈphone: +45 41715000 Fax: +45 41715100 Adresse internet: http://www.kfst.dk |
VI.5) | Date díenvoi du prÈsent avis: 17/05/2023 Dynamic purchasing system for the construction of gas pipelines - Hotbends Q1, #4 22/05/2023 DNK National |