TX: 29/09/2023 S188 Irlande-Dublin: Services hospitaliers 2023/S 188-587180 Avis díattribution de marchÈ RÈsultats de la procÈdure de marchÈ Services |
Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur |
I.1) | Nom et adresses Nom officiel: Beaumont Hospital_403 Adresse postale: Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont Road Ville: Dublin Code NUTS: IE ...ire / Ireland Code postal: Dublin 9 Pays: Irlande Courriel: tendering@beaumont.ie Adresse(s) internet: Adresse principale: https://www.etenders.gov.ie Adresse du profil díacheteur: https://www.etenders.gov.ie |
I.4) | Type de pouvoir adjudicateur Organisme de droit public |
I.5) | ActivitÈ principale SantÈ |
Section II: Objet |
II.1) | ...tendue du marchÈ |
II.1.1) | IntitulÈ: Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of an Outsourced Dermatology Solution |
II.1.2) | Code CPV principal 85111000 Services hospitaliers |
II.1.3) | Type de marchÈ Services |
II.1.4) | Description succincte: RCSI Hospitals comprises Beaumont Hospital, Cavan General Hospital, Connolly Hospital, Louth County Hospital, Monaghan Hospital, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital ñ Drogheda, Rotunda Hospital and, as its academic partner, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. RCSI Hospitals provides a national service and a regional service to Dublin and the North East. The Contracting Authority intends to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to undertake dermatology consultations on an outsourced basis. As described in the Invitation to Tender document, the successful tenderer may elect to use its own facilities or to use a facility provided at weekends by RCSI Hospitals. |
II.1.6) | Information sur les lots Ce marchÈ est divisÈ en lots: non |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 85110000 Services hospitaliers et services connexes 85121282 Services prestÈs par les dermatologues 79610000 Services de placement de personnel 79625000 Services de mise disposition de personnel mÈdical |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: IE0 Ireland Code NUTS: IE ...ire / Ireland |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: RCSI Hospitals comprises Beaumont Hospital, Cavan General Hospital, Connolly Hospital, Louth County Hospital, Monaghan Hospital, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital ñ Drogheda, Rotunda Hospital and, as its academic partner, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. RCSI Hospitals provides a national service and a regional service to Dublin and the North East. The Contracting Authority intends to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to undertake dermatology consultations on an outsourced basis. As described in the Invitation to Tender document, the successful tenderer may elect to use its own facilities or to use a facility provided at weekends by RCSI Hospitals. |
II.2.5) | CritËres díattribution CritËre de qualitÈ - Nom: As per ITT / PondÈration: 60 Co t - Nom: As per ITT / PondÈration: 40 |
II.2.11) | Information sur les options Options: non |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires This competition has been cancelled due to a lack of interest and the need to attract a higher level of competition. |
Section IV: ProcÈdure |
IV.1) | Description |
IV.1.1) | Type de procÈdure ProcÈdure ouverte ProcÈdure accÈlÈrÈe Justification: Patient safety |
IV.1.3) | Information sur l'accord-cadre ou le systËme d'acquisition dynamique Le marchÈ implique la mise en place d'un accord-cadre |
IV.1.8) | Information concernant líaccord sur les marchÈs publics (AMP) Le marchÈ est couvert par l'accord sur les marchÈs publics: non |
IV.2) | Renseignements d'ordre administratif |
IV.2.1) | Publication antÈrieure relative la prÈsente procÈdure NumÈro de l'avis au JO sÈrie S: 2023/S 175-548768 |
IV.2.8) | Informations sur l'abandon du systËme d'acquisition dynamique |
IV.2.9) | Informations sur l'abandon de la procÈdure d'appel la concurrence sous la forme d'un avis de prÈinformation |
Section V: Attribution du marchÈ |
MarchÈ n : 1 Un marchÈ/lot est attribuÈ: non |
V.1) | Informations relatives une non-attribution Le marchÈ/lot n'a pas ÈtÈ attribuÈ Autres raisons (interruption de la procÈdure) |
Section VI: Renseignements complÈmentaires |
VI.3) | Informations complÈmentaires: |
VI.4) | ProcÈdures de recours |
VI.4.1) | Instance chargÈe des procÈdures de recours Nom officiel: The High Court Adresse postale: Central Office of the High Court, The Four Courts Ville: Inns Quay Code postal: Dublin 7 Pays: Irlande |
VI.5) | Date díenvoi du prÈsent avis: 25/09/2023 Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of an Outsourced Dermatology Solution 29/09/2023 IRL National Original |