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Date de publication : 23/05/2023
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Type de procédure : Procédure négociée sans mise en concurrence
Type de document : Avis en cas de transparence ex ante volontaire

Irlande-Dublin - Services de technologies de l'information, conseil, dÈveloppement de logiciels, internet et appui

2023/S 98-306266  (Voir l'avis original TED)
V  E  R  S  I  O  N      F  R  A  N  C  A  I  S  E
23/05/2023 S98 Irlande-Dublin: Services de technologies de l'information, conseil, dÈveloppement de logiciels, internet et appui 2023/S 098-306266 Avis en cas de transparence ex ante volontaire Services
Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur/entitÈ adjudicatrice
I.1) Nom et adresses Nom officiel: Health Service Executive Adresse postale: Dr. Steeven's Hospital, Dublin 8 Ville: Dublin Code NUTS: IE ...ire / Ireland Code postal: D08W2A8 Pays: Irlande Point(s) de contact: Brendan White Courriel: TÈlÈphone: +353 878377365 Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale: Adresse du profil díacheteur:
I.4) Type de pouvoir adjudicateur Organisme de droit public
I.5) ActivitÈ principale SantÈ
Section II: Objet
II.1) ...tendue du marchÈ
II.1.1) IntitulÈ:
Enterprise appointment scheduling solution
II.1.2) Code CPV principal 72000000 Services de technologies de l'information, conseil, dÈveloppement de logiciels, internet et appui
II.1.3) Type de marchÈ Services
II.1.4) Description succincte:
The HSE procured, under the provisions of Article 32.2.(c) of the EU Procurement Directive (2014), an electronic appointment scheduling service in 2020 to deliver the integrated processes across referral to appointment management to support public health services in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic. The procured solution (Swiftqueue) is used to manage appointment booking, cancellations and rebooking across all Health Care settings and the ability for citizens and healthcare workers to self-refer on-line. The SwiftQueue appointment scheduling service is delivered as a fully managed service, including the supporting technologies and integration platforms required. The HSE wishes to extend the current contract arrangement annually to allow for continuity of safe delivery of public health services for an interim period of up to 3 years pending completion of national approval processes and a new competitive tender process.
II.1.6) Information sur les lots Ce marchÈ est divisÈ en lots: non
II.1.7) Valeur totale du marchÈ (hors TVA) Valeur hors TVA: 3 225 000.00 EUR
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 48800000 SystËmes d'information et serveurs 48814000 SystËmes d'information dans le domaine mÈdical
II.2.3) Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: IE ...ire / Ireland Lieu principal d'exÈcution:
Public healthcare facilities across Ireland
II.2.4) Description des prestations:
The HSE procured, under the provisions of Article 32.2.(c) of the EU Procurement Directive (2014), an electronic appointment scheduling service in 2020 to deliver the integrated processes across referral to appointment management to support public health services in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic. The procured solution (Swiftqueue) is used to manage appointment booking, cancellations and rebooking across all Health Care settings and the ability for citizens and healthcare workers to self-refer on-line. The solution was also used to address the increased demand for appointments arising from social distancing requirements. A single national solution was essential to ensure standard data capture and quick reliable reporting for the scheduling and uptake of pandemic related appointments. This enabled the HSE to have early access to uptake levels etc and to support target programmes to increase uptake in poor performing geographic locations. The Swiftque application was extended to include the following campaigns: Covid -19 vaccination/booster, Civil Registration Service, Flu, Mpox and HPV vaccinations. The SwiftQueue appointment scheduling service includes the supporting technologies and integration platforms, delivered as a fully managed service. The HSE wishes to extend the current contract and potentially extend its scope to allow for continuity of safe delivery of public health services for an interim period of up to 3 years. The HSE is currently finalising a business case for the procurement of an Enterprise Appointment Scheduling System. Subject to the completion of the relevant DGOU approvals process, we aim to commence a new competitive tendering process for an Enterprise Appointment Scheduling System. The HSE will take appropriate measures in the new procurement process to ensure the method used for the assessment of tenders is based on objectively verifiable and non-discriminatory criteria which shall not unduly favour or disadvantage qualifying economic operators. Indicative annual costs for the service are as follows: 2023 Indicative Annual Costs Prof Services SaaS License SMS Total Ä271,449 Ä1,544,202 Ä1,409,349 Ä3,225,000
II.2.5) CritËres díattribution Prix
II.2.11) Information sur les options Options: non
II.2.13) Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne
Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non
II.2.14) Informations complÈmentaires
Section IV: ProcÈdure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Type de procÈdure ProcÈdure nÈgociÈe sans publication prÈalable Explication:
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union in the cases listed below: ï A change of contractor cannot be made for economic and technical reasons (including requirements of interchangeability or interoperability with existing equipment) and such a change would cause significant inconvenience and substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority. Explanation: Article 32.3(b) of the Directive provides for direct negotiation with an incumbent supplier to replace or extend supplies where changing supplier would lead to incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance. The implementation of the SwiftQueue system involved integration with multiple existing health service systems using standard interfaces. The HSE wishes to extend the current contract and potentially extend its scope to allow for continuity of safe delivery of public health services for an interim period of up to 3 years. The HSE is currently finalising a business case for the procurement of an Enterprise Appointment Scheduling System. Subject to the completion of the relevant DGOU approvals process, we aim to commence a new competitive tendering process for an Enterprise Appointment Scheduling System. The HSE will take appropriate measures in the new procurement process to ensure the method used for the assessment of tenders is based on objectively verifiable and non-discriminatory criteria which shall not unduly favour or disadvantage qualifying economic operators.
IV.1.3) Information sur l'accord-cadre
IV.1.8) Information concernant líaccord sur les marchÈs publics (AMP)
Le marchÈ est couvert par l'accord sur les marchÈs publics: oui
IV.2) Renseignements d'ordre administratif
Section V: Attribution du marchÈ/de la concession
MarchÈ n : HSE2023S IntitulÈ:
Enterprise appointment scheduling solution
V.2) Attribution du marchÈ/de la concession
V.2.1) Date d'attribution du marchÈ:
V.2.2) Informations sur les offres
Le marchÈ a ÈtÈ attribuÈ un groupement d'opÈrateurs Èconomiques: non
V.2.3) Nom et adresse du titulaire/concessionnaire Nom officiel: SWIFTQUEUE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Adresse postale: Eolas Building, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Ville: Maynooth Code NUTS: IE ...ire / Ireland Pays: Irlande Adresse internet:
Le titulaire/concessionnaire sera une PME: oui
V.2.4) Informations sur le montant du marchÈ/du lot/de la concession (hors TVA) Valeur totale du marchÈ/du lot/de la concession: 3 225 000.00 EUR
V.2.5) Information sur la sous-traitance
Section VI: Renseignements complÈmentaires
VI.3) Informations complÈmentaires:
VI.4) ProcÈdures de recours
VI.4.1) Instance chargÈe des procÈdures de recours Nom officiel: High Courts of Ireland Adresse postale: Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin Ville: Ireland Pays: Irlande TÈlÈphone: +353 18886000
VI.5) Date díenvoi du prÈsent avis:
18/05/2023 Enterprise appointment scheduling solution 23/05/2023 IRL National
C L A S S E    C P V
48800000 - Systèmes d'information et serveurs 
48814000 - Systèmes d'information dans le domaine médical 
72000000 - Services de technologies de l'information, conseil, développement de logiciels, internet et appui