Nom officiel: Dublin City Council
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Autorité locale
Activité du pouvoir adjudicateur: Services d’administration générale
Titre: Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency Notice (VEAT) for contract for provision of support, maintenance and upgrade of Rough Sleeper App.
Description: Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32 (2) (b) for derogation from public procurement where the works, supplies, services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights including intellectual property. Dublin City Council intends to award a contract for a period of one year with the option to extend by two periods of 12 months at a maximum value of €120,000 to Ultan Technologies Ltd. The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is responsible for the planning, coordination and administration of funding in relation to the provision of quality services to people who are homeless in the Dublin area. The DRHE provides the mobile application 'Rough Sleeper App' which is available to the public via the Android and Apple play stores. This Rough Sleeper Application (APP) generates location alerts for the outreach team to assist in the delivery of vital on street services to people who are rough sleeping. The rough sleeper app was developed by Ultan Technologies who at the time were on Dublin City Council's Information Systems (IS) code development Framework and are still responsible for support, service patches and maintenance upgrades for the application. These services are still required for the function, security and GDPR and other necessary compliance requirements of the application.
Identifiant de la procédure: bf611232-4b47-4749-8b8a-bdcb46f557ed
Type de procédure: Négociée sans mise en concurrence préalable
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72422000 Services de développement des applications serveur internet ou intranet
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 72212000 Services de programmation de logiciels d'application, 72416000 Fournisseurs de services applicatifs
Informations générales
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
Lot: LOT-0001
Titre: Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency Notice (VEAT) for contract for provision of support, maintenance and upgrade of Rough Sleeper App
Description: Dublin City Council gives notice to invoke Article 32 (2) (b) for derogation from public procurement where the works, supplies, services can only be supplied by a particular economic operator for (iii) the protection of exclusive rights including intellectual property. Dublin City Council intends to award a contract for a period of one year with the option to extend by two periods of 12 months at a maximum value of €120,000 to Ultan Technologies Ltd. The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is responsible for the planning, coordination and administration of funding in relation to the provision of quality services to people who are homeless in the Dublin area. The DRHE provides the mobile application 'Rough Sleeper App' which is available to the public via the Android and Apple play stores. This Rough Sleeper Application (APP) generates location alerts for the outreach team to assist in the delivery of vital on street services to people who are rough sleeping. The rough sleeper app was developed by Ultan Technologies who at the time were on Dublin City Council's Information Systems (IS) code development Framework and are still responsible for support, service patches and maintenance upgrades for the application. These services are still required for the function, security and GDPR and other necessary compliance requirements of the application.
Identifiant interne: 1
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72422000 Services de développement des applications serveur internet ou intranet
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 72212000 Services de programmation de logiciels d'application, 72416000 Fournisseurs de services applicatifs
Informations générales
Projet de passation de marché non financé par des fonds de l’UE
Informations complémentaires: The date of conclusion of the contract is expected to take place no sooner then July 25th 2024. Name and Address of the Contractor: Ultan Technologies Ltd 6/7 Exchange Place IFSC Dublin 1
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: The High Court of Ireland
Nom officiel: Dublin City Council
Adresse postale: Civic Offices, Wood Quay
Ville: Dublin
Code postal: D08 RF3F
Pays: Irlande
Téléphone: 01 2227404
Rôles de cette organisation:
Nom officiel: The High Court of Ireland
Numéro d’enregistrement: The High Court of Ireland
Département: The High Court of Ireland
Adresse postale: Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7
Ville: Dublin
Code postal: D07 WDX8
Pays: Irlande
Téléphone: +353 1 8886000
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: European Dynamics S.A.
Numéro d’enregistrement: 002024901000
Département: European Dynamics S.A.
Ville: Athens
Pays: Grèce
Téléphone: +30 2108094500
Rôles de cette organisation:
TED eSender
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: 0cb06d84-611a-4851-bef9-1566059e4dd9 - 01
Type de formulaire: Notification préalable d’attribution directe
Type d’avis: Avis en cas de transparence ex ante volontaire
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 21/06/2024 08:09:44 (UTC+1)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 373822-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 121/2024
Date de publication: 24/06/2024