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Date de publication : 24/06/2024
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Type de document : Avis de préinformation ou avis périodique indicatif utilisé uniquement à titre d’information

Norvège - Services de programmation et de conseil en logiciels - RFI - Procurement tools

2024/S 2024-373806  (Voir l'avis original TED)
V  E  R  S  I  O  N      F  R  A  N  C  A  I  S  E
373806-2024 - Planification
Norvège – Services de programmation et de conseil en logiciels – RFI - Procurement tools
OJ S 121/2024 24/06/2024
Avis de préinformation ou avis périodique indicatif utilisé uniquement à titre d’information

   1.  Acheteur
Nom officiel: Statens vegvesen
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Autorité publique centrale
Activité du pouvoir adjudicateur: Services d’administration générale

   2.  Procédure
Titre: RFI - Procurement tools
Description: The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is one of the largest public purchasers in Norway. To achieve our strategic goals, we are facing a digital transformation where we aim to enhance our procurement processes in line with the parliamentary report "Smarter purchasing – efficient and professional public procurement (2018-2019)." This involves a transition from manual processes to a seamless, efficient, and transparent digital procurement process. With better tools and solutions, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will be able to handle planning, competitive tendering and ordering in a more structured and innovative way across its divisions. This will also include efficient contract and category management to become a fully digital administrative body. We are currently in the concept phase of digitising our source-to-pay procurement process. During this phase, we aim to identify the future needs for our procurement ecosystem's architecture. The goal is to create a comprehensive and efficient digital process by developing and integrating existing solutions and implementing new digital tools carefully adapted to the organisation's needs and workflow. Therefore, we seek an open dialogue with the market to explore available opportunities and how we can maximise their benefits. We plan to discuss the design of our ecosystem with suppliers, focusing on how their solutions can fit into this framework, including standard functionalities and integrations. We are also committed to providing excellent user experience for all our users. We are conducting this request for information to gain an overview of the procurement solutions available in the supplier market. Based on this insight, we will create a target picture for future implementation, as well as carry out one or more sourcing/tendering processes to acquire the new procurement tools. The sourcing processes are tentatively scheduled for Q1 2025.
Identifiant interne: 24/159415
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72200000 Services de programmation et de conseil en logiciels
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 48400000 Logiciels de transactions commerciales et de transactions personnelles, 48490000 Logiciels de passation de marchés, 72220000 Services de conseil en systèmes informatiques et conseils techniques, 72230000 Services de développement de logiciels personnalisés
Lieu d’exécution
Pays: Norvège
N’importe où dans le pays donné
Informations générales
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE

   3.  Partie
Partie: PAR-0000
Titre: RFI - Procurement tools
Description: The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is one of the largest public purchasers in Norway. To achieve our strategic goals, we are facing a digital transformation where we aim to enhance our procurement processes in line with the parliamentary report "Smarter purchasing – efficient and professional public procurement (2018-2019)." This involves a transition from manual processes to a seamless, efficient, and transparent digital procurement process. With better tools and solutions, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will be able to handle planning, competitive tendering and ordering in a more structured and innovative way across its divisions. This will also include efficient contract and category management to become a fully digital administrative body. We are currently in the concept phase of digitising our source-to-pay procurement process. During this phase, we aim to identify the future needs for our procurement ecosystem's architecture. The goal is to create a comprehensive and efficient digital process by developing and integrating existing solutions and implementing new digital tools carefully adapted to the organisation's needs and workflow. Therefore, we seek an open dialogue with the market to explore available opportunities and how we can maximise their benefits. We plan to discuss the design of our ecosystem with suppliers, focusing on how their solutions can fit into this framework, including standard functionalities and integrations. We are also committed to providing excellent user experience for all our users. We are conducting this request for information to gain an overview of the procurement solutions available in the supplier market. Based on this insight, we will create a target picture for future implementation, as well as carry out one or more sourcing/tendering processes to acquire the new procurement tools. The sourcing processes are tentatively scheduled for Q1 2025.
Identifiant interne: 1
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72200000 Services de programmation et de conseil en logiciels
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 48400000 Logiciels de transactions commerciales et de transactions personnelles
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 48490000 Logiciels de passation de marchés
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 72220000 Services de conseil en systèmes informatiques et conseils techniques
Nomenclature supplémentaire (cpv): 72230000 Services de développement de logiciels personnalisés
Lieu d’exécution
Pays: Norvège
N’importe où dans le pays donné
Informations générales
Le marché relève de l’accord sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Documents de marché
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Oslo tingrett

   8.  Organisations
Nom officiel: Statens vegvesen
Numéro d’enregistrement: 971032081
Département: Fellesfunksjoner
Adresse postale: Skoggata 19
Ville: Moss
Code postal: 1500
Pays: Norvège
Point de contact: Nikolai Haugrønning
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +47 92619825
Adresse internet:
Rôles de cette organisation:
Nom officiel: Oslo tingrett
Numéro d’enregistrement: 926 725 939
Adresse postale: C.J. Hambros plass 4
Ville: Oslo
Code postal: 0125
Pays: Norvège
Adresse électronique:
Téléphone: +47 22035200
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: b46502bf-c008-4954-a3ad-a5f7bd6faf4c - 01
Type de formulaire: Planification
Type d’avis: Avis de préinformation ou avis périodique indicatif utilisé uniquement à titre d’information
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 21/06/2024 07:00:24 (UTC)
Date d’envoi de l’avis (eSender): 21/06/2024 07:30:36 (UTC)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 373806-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 121/2024
Date de publication: 24/06/2024
Date prévue de publication d’un avis de marché dans le cadre de la procédure en question: 31/03/2025

C L A S S E    C P V
48400000 - Logiciels de transactions commerciales et de transactions personnelles 
48490000 - Logiciels de passation de marchés 
72200000 - Services de programmation et de conseil en logiciels 
72220000 - Services de conseil en systèmes informatiques et conseils techniques 
72230000 - Services de développement de logiciels personnalisés