1. Acheteur
Nom officiel: Rælingen kommune
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Autorité régionale
Activité du pouvoir adjudicateur: Services d’administration générale
2. Procédure
Titre: Digital system for analyses, plans, performance management and reporting in accordance with the Municipal Act § 14-4 and § 14-7.
Description: Rælingen municipality intends to enter into a contract with Framsikt AS for the delivery of a cloud based system for analysis, financial plan, annual budget, reporting, politician and municipal plan. Rælingen municipality has, through internet-based searches and conversations with other municipalities, not found solutions that can cover the needs in the same way as Framsikt AS. The system from Framsikt AS contains a digital system for analysis, plans, the financial plan, the annual budget, as well as politician participation in the overall process for performance management and reporting in accordance with the Municipal Act § 14-4 and § 14-7. Rælingen municipality has been following the market for a long time and has found that there is only one supplier who can deliver a system that fulfils all the municipality ´s needs for the different modules. The agreement shall cover the modules that cover the current and future needs within municipal planning, budgeting (including the climate budget), economic planning, reporting and performance management. The agreement shall cover an overall system with good integration between the modules in order to ensure quality and efficiency. The system shall be able to be integrated with the municipality ´s economy and payroll system and it is desirable that data can be imported from other sources and systems. The system shall make the financial plan more user friendly and accessible, as well as include a system for publishing on the internet, give a good overview of the municipality ´s investment portfolio and make the reporting process more efficient. The plan module shall contribute to a better connection between the municipal plan and the municipality ´s action programme with the financial plan. The module shall be a tool for reporting status and progress in planning work as well as ensuring follow-up. Rælingen municipality intends to enter into a SSA-L agreement with Framsikt AS for the delivery of a plan module, financial plan, annual budget, reporting and performance management. An option will be put in place for the procurement of a personnel report, notification module and politician module.
Identifiant de la procédure: ed737176-df0e-4caa-a0cb-c81f43251c45
Identifiant interne: 202471232
Type de procédure: Négociée sans mise en concurrence préalable
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72268000 Services de fourniture de logiciels
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Viken (NO082)
Pays: Norvège
Informations générales
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
FOA § 13-4 - The municipality has carried out market surveys in connection with the procurement. We cannot see that there are other established actors in the market who can provide the entire service. For more information, see below point result.
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0000
Titre: Digital system for analyses, plans, performance management and reporting in accordance with the Municipal Act § 14-4 and § 14-7.
Description: Rælingen municipality intends to enter into a contract with Framsikt AS for the delivery of a cloud based system for analysis, financial plan, annual budget, reporting, politician and municipal plan. Rælingen municipality has, through internet-based searches and conversations with other municipalities, not found solutions that can cover the needs in the same way as Framsikt AS. The system from Framsikt AS contains a digital system for analysis, plans, the financial plan, the annual budget, as well as politician participation in the overall process for performance management and reporting in accordance with the Municipal Act § 14-4 and § 14-7. Rælingen municipality has been following the market for a long time and has found that there is only one supplier who can deliver a system that fulfils all the municipality ´s needs for the different modules. The agreement shall cover the modules that cover the current and future needs within municipal planning, budgeting (including the climate budget), economic planning, reporting and performance management. The agreement shall cover an overall system with good integration between the modules in order to ensure quality and efficiency. The system shall be able to be integrated with the municipality ´s economy and payroll system and it is desirable that data can be imported from other sources and systems. The system shall make the financial plan more user friendly and accessible, as well as include a system for publishing on the internet, give a good overview of the municipality ´s investment portfolio and make the reporting process more efficient. The plan module shall contribute to a better connection between the municipal plan and the municipality ´s action programme with the financial plan. The module shall be a tool for reporting status and progress in planning work as well as ensuring follow-up. Rælingen municipality intends to enter into a SSA-L agreement with Framsikt AS for the delivery of a plan module, financial plan, annual budget, reporting and performance management. An option will be put in place for the procurement of a personnel report, notification module and politician module.
Identifiant interne: 202471232
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 72268000 Services de fourniture de logiciels
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Viken (NO082)
Pays: Norvège
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours: Romerike og Glåmdal tingrett
6. Résultats
Attribution directe:
Justification de l’attribution directe: Le marché ne peut être exécuté que par un opérateur économique particulier en raison d’une absence de concurrence pour des raisons techniques
Autre justification: Rælingen kommune kommune har til intensjon å inngå avtale med Framsikt AS for levering av en skybasert løsning for analyse, økonomiplan, årsbudsjett, rapportering, politiker og kommuneplan. Rælingen kommune har gjennom nettbaserte søk og samtaler med andre kommuner ikke funnet løsninger som kan dekke behovene på samme måte som Framsikt AS. Løsningen fra Framsikt AS inneholder digitalt system for analyse, planer, økonomiplan, årsbudsjett, samt politikermedvirkning i den helhetlige prosessen for virksomhetsstyring og rapportering i henhold til kommunelovens § 14-4 og § 14-7. Rælingen kommune har fulgt markedet over lengre tid, og har funnet ut at det kun er en leverandør som kan levere en løsning som oppfyller alle kommunens behov til de ulike modulene. Avtalen skal omfatte de modulene som dekker dagens og framtidige behov innen kommunal planarbeid, budsjettering (herunder klimabudsjett), økonomisk planlegging, rapportering og virksomhetsstyring. Avtalen skal dekke en helhetlig løsning med god integrasjon mellom modulene for å sikre kvalitet og effektivisering. Systemet skal kunne integreres med kommunens økonomi- og lønnssystem, og det er ønskelig at det kan importere data fra andre kilder og systemer. Systemet skal gjøre økonomiplanen mer brukervennlig og tilgjengelig, samt inkludere løsning for å kunne publisere på internett, gi en god oversikt over kommunens investeringsportefølje og effektivisere rapporteringsprosessen. Planmodulen skal bidra til bedre sammenheng mellom kommuneplan og kommunens handlingsprogram med økonomiplan. Modulen skal være et verktøy for å rapporterte på status og framdrift i planarbeid samt sikre oppføling. Rælingen kommune har som intensjon å inngå SSA-L avtale med Framsikt AS om levering av planmodul, økonomiplan, årsbudsjett, rapportering og virksomhetsstyring. Det legges inn opsjon for mulig anskaffelse av personalrapport, varslingsmodul og politikermodul. Rælingen ber om tilbakemelding innen 24. april 2024.
Résultat – Identifiants des lots: LOT-0000
Informations sur les lauréats
Nom officiel: Framsikt AS
Identifiant de l’offre: 2024/1232
Identifiant du lot ou groupe de lots: LOT-0000
La valeur de la sous-traitance est connue: non
Le pourcentage de la sous-traitance est connu: non
Informations relatives au marché:
Identifiant du marché: 2024/1232
8. Organisations
Nom officiel: Rælingen kommune
Numéro d’enregistrement: 952540556
Département: Økonomi
Adresse postale: Postboks 100
Ville: Fjerdingby
Code postal: 2025
Pays: Norvège
Point de contact: Maria Giessing Kallevik Rødde
Téléphone: 63835000
Rôles de cette organisation:
Nom officiel: Romerike og Glåmdal tingrett
Numéro d’enregistrement: 926 723 863
Adresse postale: Postboks 393
Ville: Lillestrøm
Code postal: 2001
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Viken (NO082)
Pays: Norvège
Téléphone: 61 99 22 00
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation chargée des procédures de recours
Nom officiel: Framsikt AS
Taille de l’opérateur économique: medium
Numéro d’enregistrement: 913 187 512
Ville: Vesterålen
Code postal: 8469
Pays: Norvège
Téléphone: 480 17 767
Rôles de cette organisation:
Lauréat de ces lots: LOT-0000
Le lauréat est coté sur un marché réglementé
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: 703420c5-3b7c-428e-b5af-e9d891efbe4f - 01
Type de formulaire: Notification préalable d’attribution directe
Type d’avis: Avis en cas de transparence ex ante volontaire
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 19/03/2024 14:07:16 (UTC)
Date d’envoi de l’avis (eSender): 19/03/2024 14:07:30 (UTC)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 168242-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 57/2024
Date de publication: 20/03/2024