TX: 10/10/2023 S195 Royaume-Uni-Belfast: Travaux de construction de b'timents 2023/S 195-609610 Avis de modification Modification d'un contrat/d'une concession en cours |
Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur/entitÈ adjudicatrice |
I.1) | Nom et adresses Nom officiel: Education Authority NI Ville: Belfast Code NUTS: UKN Northern Ireland Pays: Royaume-Uni Courriel: facilities.procure@eani.org.uk Adresse(s) internet: Adresse principale: https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps/home.do |
Section II: Objet |
II.1) | ...tendue du marchÈ |
II.1.1) | IntitulÈ: Provision of Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh Building Lot 2 NumÈro de rÈfÈrence: Omagh Building Lot 2 |
II.1.2) | Code CPV principal 45210000 Travaux de construction de b'timents |
II.1.3) | Type de marchÈ Travaux |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKN Northern Ireland |
II.2.4) | Description du contrat au moment de la conclusion du contrat: Provision of Planned Maintenance Works for EANI across its property portfolio in the old Western Education and Library Board area, Contract Lot 4 which includes but is not limited to controlled and uncontrolled schools. |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du marchÈ, accord-cadre, systËme d'acquisition dynamique ou concession DÈbut: 01/06/2022 Fin: 31/05/2024 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
Section V: Attribution du marchÈ/de la concession |
MarchÈ n : 2022/S 243-703522 |
V.2) | Attribution du marchÈ/de la concession |
V.2.1) | Date de la conclusion du marchÈ/de la dÈcision d'attribution de la concession: 12/12/2022 |
V.2.2) | Informations sur les offres Le marchÈ/la concession a ÈtÈ attribuÈ(e) un groupement d'opÈrateurs Èconomiques: non |
V.2.3) | Nom et adresse du titulaire/concessionnaire Nom officiel: Woodvale Construction Company Ltd Ville: Omagh Code NUTS: UKN Northern Ireland Pays: Royaume-Uni Adresse internet: https://woodvaleconstruction.co.uk/ Le titulaire/concessionnaire est une PME: non |
V.2.4) | Informations sur le montant du marchÈ/du lot/de la concession (au moment de la conclusion du contrat;hors TVA) Valeur totale du marchÈ: 1. 00 GBP |
Section VI: Renseignements complÈmentaires |
VI.3) | Informations complÈmentaires: |
VI.4) | ProcÈdures de recours |
VI.4.1) | Instance chargÈe des procÈdures de recours Nom officiel: The UK does not have any special review body with responsibility for appeal/mediation procedures in public procurement competitions Ville: Belfast Pays: Royaume-Uni |
VI.5) | Date díenvoi du prÈsent avis: 05/10/2023 |
Section VII: Modifications du contrat/de la concession |
VII.1) | Description du contrat aprËs les modifications |
VII.1.1) | Code CPV principal 45210000 Travaux de construction de b'timents |
VII.1.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) |
VII.1.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKN Northern Ireland |
VII.1.4) | Description des prestations: The award of a contract by Education Authority Northern Ireland (EANI) without prior publication of a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union, in respect of the continued provision of a Term Service Contract for Building Maintenance and Minor Works in the old Western Education and Library Board area (Area 2), Contract Lot 4 as further described in OJEU Contract Notice 2013-085318 and as outlined in the previous VEAT issued on 12 December 2022. |
VII.1.5) | DurÈe du marchÈ, accord-cadre, systËme d'acquisition dynamique ou concession DÈbut: 01/06/2022 Fin: 31/05/2024 |
VII.1.6) | Informations sur le montant du marchÈ/du lot/de la concession (hors TVA) Valeur totale du marchÈ/du lot/de la concession: 1. 00 GBP |
VII.1.7) | Nom et adresse du titulaire/concessionnaire Nom officiel: Woodvale Construction Company Ltd Ville: Omagh Code NUTS: UKN Northern Ireland Pays: Royaume-Uni Adresse internet: https://woodvaleconstruction.co.uk/ Le titulaire/concessionnaire est une PME: non |
VII.2) | Informations sur les modifications |
VII.2.1) | Description des modifications Nature et Ètendue des modifications (avec indication des Èventuels changements prÈalablement apportÈs au contrat): An extension to 31 May 2024 with the further option for EANI, in its absolute discretion, to terminate the contract by providing the contractor with written notice of its intention to terminate the contract. The total value of the extension is 1. 00GBP. Further information in VII.2.2 below. |
VII.2.2) | Raisons de la modification Modification rendue nÈcessaire par des circonstances qu'un pouvoir adjudicateur/une entitÈ adjudicatrice diligent(e) ne pouvait pas prÈvoir [article 43, paragraphe 1, point c), de la directive 2014/23/UE; article 72, paragraphe 1, point c), de la directive 2014/24/UE; article 89, paragraphe 1, point c), de la directive 2014/25/UE] Description des circonstances ayant rendu la modification nÈcessaire et explication du caractËre imprÈvu de ces circonstances: It has become necessary to extend the contract until 31 May 2024 to facilitate the development and design of a new procurement. The EANI shall have, at its absolute discretion, the ability to terminate the contract by giving the contractor written notice of its intention to terminate. The EANI does not intend to extend the value of this contract beyond the modification value referenced in VEAT 2022/S 077-210784 published on 15 April 2022. Rather, this publication is to extend the time on the contract. To secure continuity, the provisions of the contract as referenced in VEAT 2021/S 105-278056 remain. Regulation 72(1) (b) further permits this extension as a change of provider:(i) cannot be made for economic and technical reasons for reasons of interchangeability and interoperability with the initial procurement; and(ii) would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs.EANI envisages new contract award by 31/05/24. 2022/S 077-210784 2021/S 105-278056 |
VII.2.3) | Augmentation de prix Valeur totale actualisÈe du marchÈ avant les modifications (prenant en compte les Èventuelles modifications contractuelles et adaptations de prix antÈrieures et, dans le cas de la directive 2014/23/UE, l'inflation moyenne dans l'...tat membre concernÈ) Valeur hors TVA: 16 800 000.00 GBP Montant total du marchÈ aprËs les modifications Valeur hors TVA: 20 800 000.00 GBP Provision of Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh Building Lot 2 10/10/2023 GBR National Original |