TX: 06/03/2018 S45 - - Services - Avis de marchÈ - ProcÈdure restreinte Royaume-Uni-Lincoln: Services d'enseignement et de formation 2018/S 045-099301 Services sociaux et autres services spÈcifiques ñ marchÈs publics Avis de marchÈ Services |
Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur |
I.1) | Nom et adresses Lincolnshire County Council Lincoln Lincoln Ln1 1YL Royaume-Uni Point(s) de contact: Thea Croxall TÈlÈphone: +44 1522550381 Courriel: thea.croxall@lincolnshire.gov.uk Code NUTS: UKF30 Adresse(s) internet: Adresse principale: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk Adresse du profil díacheteur: https://procontract.due-north.com/opportunities https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk https://procontract.due-north.com/opportunities |
I.2) | ProcÈdure conjointe |
I.3) | Communication Les documents du marchÈ sont disponibles gratuitement en accËs direct non restreint et complet, l'adresse: https://procontract.due-north.com/opportunities Adresse laquelle des informations complÈmentaires peuvent Ítre obtenues le ou les point(s) de contact susmentionnÈ(s) Les offres ou les demandes de participation doivent Ítre envoyÈes par voie Èlectronique via: https://procontract.due-north.com La communication Èlectronique requiert l'utilisation d'outils et de dispositifs qui ne sont pas gÈnÈralement disponibles. Un accËs direct non restreint et complet ces outils et dispositifs est possible gratuitement l'adresse: https://procontract.due-north.com |
I.4) | Type de pouvoir adjudicateur AutoritÈ rÈgionale ou locale |
I.5) | ActivitÈ principale Services gÈnÈraux des administrations publiques |
Section II: Objet |
II.1) | ...tendue du marchÈ |
II.1.1) | IntitulÈ: Modified Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Apprenticeship Training Provision |
II.1.2) | Code CPV principal 80000000 |
II.1.3) | Type de marchÈ Services |
II.1.4) | Description succincte: Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. This procurement of apprenticeship training falls under Regulation 74 of the Public Contract Regulations ó Social and other Services and as such the Light Touch Regime Rules apply. The procurement procedure also follows Regulation 76, whereby the contracting authority can determine the procedures to be applied. This MDPS will be fully electronic and the Council will be using the Due North ProContract platform to host the system. MDPS will support the award of contracts by establishing a Catalogue of Apprenticeship Provision, or following a further competitions. Further details can be found in section IV.I.11 and VI.3. |
II.1.5) | Valeur totale estimÈe Valeur hors TVA: 20 000 000.00 GBP |
II.1.6) | Information sur les lots Ce marchÈ est divisÈ en lots: oui Il est possible de soumettre des offres pour tous les lots Le pouvoir adjudicateur se rÈserve le droit d'attribuer des marchÈs combinant les lots ou groupes de lots suivants: |
1. | Digital; 2. Construction; 3. Education and Childcare; 4. Legal, Finance and Accounting; 5. engineering and Manufacturing; 6. Health and Science; 7. Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care; 8. Business and Administrative; 9. Catering and Hospitality; 10. Creative and Design; 11. Transport and Logistics; 12. Sales, Marketing and Procurement; 13. Social Care; 14. Protective Services. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: 1 Digital Lot n : 1 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Digital. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
2. | Construction Lot n : 2 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Construction. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
3. | Education and Childcare Lot n : 3 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Education and Childcare. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
4. | Legal, Finance and Accounting Lot n : 4 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Legal, finance and Accounting. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
5. | Engineering and Manufacturing Lot n : 5 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Engineering and Manufacturing. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
6. | Health and Science Lot n : 6 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Health and Science. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
7. | Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care Lot n : 7 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
8. | Business and Administrative Lot n : 8 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Business and Administrative. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
9. | Catering and Hospitality Lot n : 9 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Catering and Hospitality. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
10. | Creative and Design Lot n : 10 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Creative and Design. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
11. | Transport and Logistics Lot n : 11 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Transport and Logistics. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
12. | Sales, Marketing and Procurement Lot n : 12 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Sales, Marketing and Procurement. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
13. | Social Care Lot n : 13 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Social Care. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
II.2) | Description |
II.2.1) | IntitulÈ: |
14. | Protective Services Lot n : 14 |
II.2.2) | Code(s) CPV additionnel(s) 80530000 80430000 |
II.2.3) | Lieu d'exÈcution Code NUTS: UKF30 Lieu principal d'exÈcution: For Lincolnshire County Council and its Maintained Schools the main site/place of performance will be the County of Lincolnshire. For other organisations it is the County of operation. |
II.2.4) | Description des prestations: Provision of Apprenticeship Training within the T Level Category of Protective Services. |
II.2.6) | Valeur estimÈe |
II.2.7) | DurÈe du contrat ou de l'accord-cadre DÈbut: 05/03/2018 Fin: 04/03/2028 |
II.2.13) | Information sur les fonds de l'Union europÈenne Le contrat s'inscrit dans un projet/programme financÈ par des fonds de l'Union europÈenne: non |
II.2.14) | Informations complÈmentaires Lincolnshire County Council is implementing a Modified Dynamic Purchasing System (MDPS) to support the Council and its Maintained Schools to procure Apprenticeship Training in accordance with both the Education and Skills Funding Agency Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015. |
Section III: Renseignements díordre juridique, Èconomique, financier et technique |
III.1) | |
Conditions de participation |
III.1.4) | RËgles et critËres objectifs de participation Liste et brËve description des rËgles et critËres: To succeed in securing a place on this modified DPS, suppliers must be on the Education and Skills Funding Agency's (ESFA) ìRegister of Apprenticeship Training Providersî. To register visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/register-of-apprenticeship-training-providers#how-to-apply-to-become-an-apprenticeship-training-provider. Suppliers must be listed on the Education and Skills Funding Agency's (ESFA) Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, in accordance with the ESFA's. Organisations that are listed on the RoATP have been through an application process with the ESFA that considers due diligence, capability, quality and financial health to assess their capability to deliver high-quality apprenticeship training. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/register-of-apprenticeship-training-providers#how-to-apply-to-become-an-apprenticeship-training-provider |
III.1.5) | Informations sur les marchÈs rÈservÈs |
III.2) | Conditions liÈes au marchÈ |
III.2.1) | Information relative la profession |
III.2.2) | Conditions particuliËres d'exÈcution: |
III.2.3) | Informations sur les membres du personnel responsables de l'exÈcution du marchÈ Obligation d'indiquer les noms et qualifications professionnelles des membres du personnel chargÈs de l'exÈcution du marchÈ |
Section IV: ProcÈdure |
IV.1) | Description |
IV.1.1) | Forme de la procÈdure ProcÈdure restreinte |
IV.1.3) | Information sur l'accord-cadre Le marchÈ implique la mise en place d'un accord-cadre Dans le cas d'accords-cadres, justification d'une durÈe dÈpassant quatre ans: The Modified Dynamic Purchasing System will be in existance for a minimum of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 5 years. |
IV.1.10) | Identification des rËgles nationales applicables la procÈdure: Des informations sur les procÈdures nationales sont disponibles sur: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/102/regulation/76/made |
IV.1.11) | Principales caractÈristiques de la procÈdure d'attribution: Award of contracts through this MDPS will be via one of 2 methods. 1. Inviting Suppliers to be included in a Catalogue of Apprenticeship Training, followed by a desk-based evaluation to identify most economical advantageous offer; 2. Conduct of a further competition, with the most economically advantageous tender awarded the contract. |
IV.2) | Renseignements d'ordre administratif |
IV.2.1) | Publication antÈrieure relative la prÈsente procÈdure |
IV.2.2) | Date limite de rÈception des offres ou des demandes de participation / Date limite de rÈception des manifestations díintÈrÍt Date: 01/02/2028 Heure locale: 23:59 |
IV.2.4) | Langue(s) pouvant Ítre utilisÈe(s) dans l'offre ou la demande de participation: Anglais |
Section VI: Renseignements complÈmentaires |
VI.2) | Informations sur les Èchanges Èlectroniques |
VI.3) | Informations complÈmentaires: Award of contracts through this MDPS will be via one of 2 methods. 1. Suppliers on the MDPS will be invited to submit Delivery Plans for each apprenticeship framework or standard they are accredited to deliver. The Council will evaluate to ensure that the submission meets with the minimum quality standard of 70/100. All submissions meeting or exceeding this quality standard will be added to the Council's Catalogue of Apprenticeship Provision. Council Staff, Maintained Schools and other partners included within the scope of this procurement will then perform desk based evaluations ó evaluating Price and Quality to determine which Apprenticeship Training Programme is the most economically advantageous offer. 2. Suppliers will be invited to submit responses to further competitions issued through the MDPS, and the specific contract will be awarded to the supplier offering the most economically advantageous Tender. Further information on the award process, including award criteria and subcriteria for both processes referred to above is included within the Procurement Documents. Whilst the MDPS has been set up to facilitate the procurement of apprenticeship training for Lincolnshire County Council and its maintained schools, the MDPS is available to other local council ie County, Metropolitan, City, District, Borough Council or a Unitary Authority, NHS Trust or organisation and fire and rescue public sector organisations within the East Midlands, East of England and Yorkshire. The MDPS will run for a 5 year period with the option to extend for a further period of 5 years. The total estimated annual contract value is 2 000 000 GBP amounting to 10 000 000 GBP for the initial five year period, extending to 20 000 000 GBP if the additional 5 year extension is used. Lincolnshire County Council and itís maintained schools attracts an annual levy of around 1 000 000 GBP/annum. The additional amount accounted for in this procurement is to facilitate contract awards of the other organisations included within the scope of this procurement. |
VI.4) | ProcÈdures de recours |
VI.4.1) | Instance chargÈe des procÈdures de recours Legal Services Lincolnshire County Offices, Newland, Lincoln Lincoln LN1 1YL Royaume-Uni TÈlÈphone: +44 1522552573 Courriel: Legalservices@lincolnshire.gov.uk Adresse internet:https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk |
VI.4.2) | Organe chargÈ des procÈdures de mÈdiation Legal Services Lincolnshire County Offices, Newland, Lincoln Lincoln LN1 1YL Royaume-Uni TÈlÈphone: +44 1522552573 Courriel: Legalservices@lincolnshire.gov.uk Adresse internet:https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk |
VI.4.3) | Introduction de recours |
VI.4.4) | Service auprËs duquel des renseignements peuvent Ítre obtenus sur l'introduction de recours Legal Services Lincolnshire County Offices, Newland, Lincoln Lincoln LN1 1YL Royaume-Uni TÈlÈphone: +44 1522552573 Courriel: Legalservices@lincolnshire.gov.uk Adresse internet:www.lincolnshire.gov.uk www.lincolnshire.gov.uk |
VI.5) | Date díenvoi du prÈsent avis: 02/03/2018 |